Jay Funk Apps

Alchemy Pocket Guide '15 1.0.1
Jay Funk
Welcome to Alchemy! This guide is a startingpoint, a springboard into your burn. However, the star of the burnis YOU. Let serendipity be your guide. Seek out those randomadventures that never make their way into the guide. Cast looseyour preconceived plans and embrace the uncertainty of thisglorious amalgamation.There’s no time to be a spectator here. You don’t need anyone’spermission to jump in headfirst and participate. And it’s not toolate to throw whatever event you think of. Every event at Alchemyis conceived, planned, and driven by burners like you. This is apartial guide to some of the adventures that await you, but it isby no means exhaustive. Many events or activities aren’t announcedbefore the burn, others just happen, without a plan or a schedule.Go do something awesome, and chances are people will jump in!We highly recommend you read the survival guide before leavingfor Alchemy. It’s full of tips, tricks, and information that willhelp make your Alchemy more awesome, whether you’re a virgin or aveteran. You can download it here!Welcome to the Amalgamation. LET’S DO THIS.-Ben “Cheesepants” Bjostad and Citrus Kostapapas, your 2015Guidebook Leads
Alchemy 2016 1.5
Jay Funk
Alchemy 2016 Pocket Guide. Here it is. Thesecond iteration of the pocket guide app. This one was re-builtfrom the ground up. It has a few new features that I hope everyonewill enjoy. This project will have some bugs, a few of which I amalready aware. Please leave comments with any issues you are having(or not having just cause you love the app so much)!In true burner fashion the app is fully open source. Please takea look! https://github.com/jayfunk/pocketguide If you are nerdyenough and want to contribute pull the source and get crackin. Youcan contact me through my github account jayfunk.I would like to thank Carlos (http://elcmd.com) for all of hishelp! This thing would look like a pile of junk if it had not beenfor him.Enjoy!